
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Balancing Hormones Naturally

Hormonal imbalances can have a significant impact on our overall well-being, affecting everything from our mood and energy levels to our reproductive health. In recent years, there has been growing interest in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as a natural and effective approach to rebalancing hormones. Let’s take a closer look at BHRT and its […]

Paediatric Medicine: The Role of Compounding Pharmacies

Introduction: When it comes to paediatric medicine, providing accurate and appropriate dosages can be challenging. Children often require individualised treatment based on their age, weight, and specific needs. This is where compounding pharmacies play a crucial role. Compounding pharmacies specialise in preparing customised medications that meet the unique requirements of each patient. In the realm […]

Understanding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Understanding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

How Compounding Pharmacies are Revolutionizing Healthcare

In recent years, compounding pharmacies have emerged as a crucial player in the healthcare landscape, revolutionizing the way medications are prepared and administered. These pharmacies offer customized solutions for patients with unique medication needs, filling a vital gap in the healthcare system. By tailoring medications to individual patients, compounding pharmacies contribute significantly to improving patient […]

The Importance of Personalized Medicine: The Power of Compounding

Introduction: In the rapidly advancing field of medicine, a revolutionary concept has emerged that is transforming the way we approach healthcare: personalized medicine. This ground-breaking approach recognizes that every individual is unique, and tailors medical treatments to suit their specific needs. At the heart of this paradigm shift lies the power of compounding, with compounding […]

Strange Technique to Treat Chronic Pain Shows Promise in University Study
chronic pain, pain management, non drug treatment, treatment, natural treatment, study, trial, research, sound, noise, electrical stimulation, broadband sound, electricity, body, somatosensory cortex, tinnitus

While the following article may have you raising your eyebrows at first, bear with us: An intriguing new university study, recently published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Neural Engineering, has raised the possibility that chronic pain could be managed by electrically stimulating the body at the same time as listening to certain sound waves. The […]

Apples, Chillis and Beans: These and other surprisingly effective treatments for hair loss
bald, hair loss, apple, hair loss treatment, hair loss help, chilli,

A recent (November 2022) study review conducted by three U.S. Schools of Medicine, including Harvard, has uncovered a number of non-drug treatments with the potential to effectively treat hair loss. Omegas 3 and 6 (derived from fish oil), tocotrienol (derived from Vitamin E) and extracts made from chillis, beans, and the humble apple were all […]

Study finds pain has unexpected health benefits for our gut
pain, pain medication, pain management, microbial, gut, inflammation, gut inflammation, colitis, goblet cells, capsaicin, pain neurons, CGRG, Harvard Medical School, microbes, mucus, drugs, treatment, medicine, medication

In a study that could overhaul the way we approach pain management, researchers from Harvard Medical School have found evidence that pain is necessary, when inflammation occurs, to trigger a bodily response that helps protect the microbial composition of the gut. Experiments conducted on mice that were experiencing an episode of inflammation, found that those […]

Migraine Treatments That Don’t Involve Drugs
migraine, headache, treatment, natural, remedy, alternative, drugs, medication, prevention, relief, vitamin D, magnesium, sleep, stress, water, hydration, compounded medication

People who suffer from migraines understand how debilitating the condition can be. What starts out as fuzzy vision and a background throb quickly escalates into a merciless storm of pain. It renders you sightless, helpless and desperate. There’s drugs you can take of course, but sometimes they don’t work and sometimes the disease is preferable […]

Do vaginal suppositories work for vaginal yeast infections?
vaginal yeast infection, candidiasis, Candid albicans, vagina, vulva, suppository, vaginal suppository, medication, treatment, boric acid, boric acid suppository, itching, irritation, burning, rash, recurrent candidiasis

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is itchy, uncomfortable and altogether unpleasant for any woman unfortunate enough to suffer from the ailment. The condition is treatable with no long-lasting effects, however some women may have to try several different medications or remedies before finding one that works. What causes vaginal yeast infections? Vaginal […]

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