It will be another 3 years (or so) before we get to enjoy our next federal democracy sausage, so in the meantime, what changes can we expect to see in the pharmaceutical sector? Let’s have a look at what the election results will mean for medicines: The LNP
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is a deficiency of iodine in the diet. In recent years much attention has been paid to the theory that autoimmune diseases may be the prime driver of hypothyroidism, however according to The Australian Thyroid
For years the notorious indecipherability of doctors’ handwriting has been the butt of jokes, however a new study in the UK has found that replacing the old fashioned handwritten script with a simple USB stick could lead to a significant reduction in
In recent years bio-identical or ‘natural’ hormone replacement therapy has been the topic du jour for breakfast television and talk show hosts, including none other than the queen of TV herself, Oprah Winfrey. None of us like loading up on synthetic drugs
The recent announcement by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) that complementary medicine may soon face tighter regulation, should be of concern not just to responsible practitioners in the complementary health field, but also to pharmacists throughout the
Ever taken a sea sickness pill only to find yourself, hours later, still green around the gills and clinging to a bucket like it’s your teenage sweetheart? People around you may have taken the same tablet, or no tablet at all, and be merrily swashbuckling
For many years podophyllin was regularly prescribed by GPs for the treatment of warts. However in the last 10 years doctors have mostly stopped prescribing podophyllin. Why? The short answer is that the big pharmaceutical companies have stopped making it.
A recent move by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) to tighten guidelines for complementary medicine practitioners could cause more confusion and uncertainty for patients if taken too far, according to leaders in the compounding pharmacy sector. Experienced
The Australian government has recognised the potential of personalised medicine in a very public way by today announcing $65 million in competitive grants for genomic research into cures for cancer, childhood diseases and diseases with low survival rates. The
Parabens are used in many medications as a preservative. They’re also used in many cosmetics, skin care products and processed foods for the same reason. And they do a top notch job. They’re tasteless, odourless, colourless, they don’t react to