Compounding Pharmacy in Australian Prescriber (Doctor’s Magazine)

It is very exciting to see the Compounding Pharmacy industry featured in a recently Primary health publications.

Recently publish on the NPS (National Prescriber Service) website was a report by James R Falconer and Kathryn J Steadman.

It highlighted the benefits and core purpose of Compounding and what a Doctor should expect when accessing this service.

An extract:
‘Extemporaneous compounding is the preparation of a therapeutic product for an individual patient in response to an identified need.1 It is a practical way to have medicines supplied when there is no other option.’

They also talk about the expected quality standards:
‘The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) specifies that all medicinal products must meet the PIC/S* Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products, which is an international standard.’

Part of our role at NCC is to visit local GP practices and provide resources to Doctor’s to aid their treatment of Patient’s that may already be using compounded medicine or may need medicines that are not already available.

For more information on the article please refer to the article

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