Fennel Vaginal Cream – Vaginal Atrophy

Recently at National Custom Compounding, we have seen a number of requests for Fennel Vaginal Cream (Foeniculum vulgare). Image result for fennel

After doing some background research on this product it appears that a small study has been conducted internationally with promising results. A full summary of the trial can be accessed here.

Vaginal atrophy is one of the main concerns of postmenopausal women (2) and can cause a number of unwanted physical symptoms including distressing urinary symptoms and painful intercourse.

Being a sensitive topic, Patients may find it difficult to discuss with a health professional. Our compounding pharmacy has seen a number of inquiries recently from a range of medical practitioners including Specialists and General Practitioners.

The study suggested a 5{648ff2b140dd79f8b10f01740237e66061b7c0f8b396ba52d99047c684c8722c} Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare, Standardised) Cream in an appropriate base for application into the Vaginal area. The results from the small study where promising – ‘According to results of this study, fennel is an effective means to manage the symptoms of vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women and is devoid of side effects. Larger studies are necessary to confirm the positive impact of fennel for vaginal conditions occurring among postmenopausal women.’

We have subsequently developed a suitable formula and sourced the appropriate type of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) to assist in the treatment of Vaginal Atrophy.

Please contact our compounding pharmacy on 1300731755 with any questions regarding this product or any other inquiry.


  1. 2016 Feb;84:75-80. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2015.11.005. Epub 2015 Nov 12. Effect of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) vaginal cream on vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. Yaralizadeh M1, Abedi P2, Najar S1, Et Al.
  2. Vaginal atrophy, Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vaginal-atrophy/home/ovc-20200167