Losing your hair? There is a scientifically proven solution

If you’ve been researching a solution for hair loss, you may have come across a medication that was originally developed to treat high blood pressure, sometimes called hypertension. It works well in the treatment of this condition however doctors soon noticed that people taking this medication experienced an increase in the growth of body hair – an unwelcome side effect for some – but an interesting observation for those researching treatments for hair loss.

In 2014 a team of researchers from the U.S. and Italy published a paper that claimed 40% of study participants regrew their hair after 3-6 months of continual use of this medication. It’s important to note the study focused on male pattern baldness only and not other kinds of badness such as tinea and spot baldness, however the results are undeniably encouraging.

This medication has now been approved as a topical application for the treatment of hair loss. It can be found as the main active ingredient in hair loss foaming solutions or shampoos applied directly to the scalp. Researchers still aren’t entirely sure how it works however it’s believed it acts to increase blood circulation to the hair follicle, thereby stimulating increased growth.

However not everyone responds to topical applications of the medication. For these people an oral application (tablet or pill) is sometimes prescribed by their doctor and has been known to achieve good results. The problem with the oral medication is that it’s only available commercially in doses meant for the treatment of high blood pressure and this dose is far too high for the treatment of hair loss. It comes out of the packet as 2.5mg tablets, while the dose recommended to hair loss patients is 1mg. So it’s not even a simple task of cutting the pill in two.

The solution is a reputable compounding pharmacist like National Custom Compounding who can, with a script from a GP, make up this medication in exact doses of 1mg. This eliminates guesswork and mess and ensures you receive enough of the medication to work, but not too much that it adversely affects your health.

For more information contact National Custom Compounding on 1300 731 755 or email us at [email protected]