NCC Portal, Version 3 – Update

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The NCC Portal will soon have a fresh, updated look. The update is occuring 8pm QLD time, Wednesday 1st of November 2023.

Over the last 6 months, the NCC technical team have been working on a update to our popular online ordering portal. We have tested the platform and the update will be occuring this week.

Please note that the NCC Portal will be offline from 8pm, Wednesday 1st November for approximately 3 hours.

During this time only, please email orders directly to [email protected]

But we need your help!

A major improvement inside the new NCC Portal has been a significant upgrade to the security standards, used in passwords and other critical information.

Every user will need to reset there password before logging into the new NCC Portal for the first time.

To reset your password, follow these steps.
1. Visit the NCC (on Thursday, 2nd November)
2. Click ‘Forgot Password’, under the login information.
3. Enter your username (which is your login email) – Wait for a link to appear in your email inbox
4. Follow the steps to reset password & choose a new secure password. (Must contain a Captial, Symbol (ie. ! * &) and be more than 8 characters.
5. SECURELY store the password and let other team members know.

Now you are ready to login to the updates NCC Ordering Portal!

Feel free to contact the NCC Team via email or phone, and we will be happy to help.

New Updates on the NCC portal

  • Improved site speed & simplified layout.
  • Ability to utilise the NCC portal on desktop, tablets and mobile devices.
  • Choice between a LIGHT or DARK background.
  • Increased website security.
  • Order page improvements,
    • Allergy input.
    • Any Medicines or Medical Conditions input.
    • Ability to select Medicines from NCC pricelist then attaching prescriptions.
    • Option to create an auto-repeating order.
  • Patient details page improvements,
    • A list of current repeats on file for the patient.
    • Button to REPEAT ORDER, when ordering repeats.
    • A location to store important patient notes that need to be included with every order.

The NCC Technical team are also working on a number of other updates to simply the NCC experience, we will keep you posted when new functions become available.