Podophyllin works wonders on warts – so why can’t I buy it?

For many years podophyllin was regularly prescribed by GPs for the treatment of warts. However in the last 10 years doctors have mostly stopped prescribing podophyllin. Why? The short answer is that the big pharmaceutical companies have stopped making it.

However that doesn’t mean you can’t still get it. Your local integrative doctor knows that reputable compounding pharmacies can still safely make up prescriptions of podophyllin from scratch in their local, highly-regulated, government-approved laboratories.

So why did the big drug companies stop making podophyllin?

The reasons for this are unknown. It’s not because it’s unsafe or because it’s been banned – when used strictly to guidelines by a qualified medical practitioner, podophyllin is both safe, and government-approved. It could be that the drug company felt manufacturer was no longer profitable or perhaps demand has declined.

How can I get compounded podophyllin wart paint?

You need a prescription to purchase podophyllin from a compounding pharmacy, and most integrative doctors will be familiar with the process. Podophyllin is not suitable for every kind of wart so it’s important to seek a doctor’s advice. An integrative doctor will be able to tell you if your warts will respond to podophyllin and, if so, will provide you with a compounding script that can be filled by a compounding pharmacist.

Where can I find a compounding pharmacist?

The good thing is, you don’t have to. Your local community pharmacist may already have a partnership with a compounding pharmacist and they will arrange to have your script compounded for you. If they don’t, suggest they give National Custom Compounding a call. We’ll deliver anywhere in the country at no charge, and we’re fast.

What is podophyllin?

Podophyllin is made from resin from the American Mandrake plant. It’s been used to treat warts since the 1820s however it is a powerful toxin and so must only be applied topically – never taken orally – and must only be used in close consultation with a doctor. It’s known that podophyllin can affect unborn babies and so should be avoided by pregnant women.


For more information on the treatment of warts using podophyllin contact National Custom Compounding on 1300 731 755 or [email protected]