Queensland’s compounded medicine sector envies NSW’s new pharmacy guidelines

Queensland’s compounding pharmacy sector is calling on that state’s Pharmacy Council to follow in the lead of The Pharmacy Council of New South Wales and introduce a comprehensive set of guidelines for Queensland’s compounders.

Matthew Bellgrove from National Custom Compounding on the Gold Coast said Queenslanders deserved to have confidence in a pharmacy sector that was regulated with a more specific and defined set of guidelines than currently available.

Late last month NSW’s Pharmacy Council launched its Compounding checklist and Premises and equipment guidance for non-sterile complex compounding after an extensive period of consultation.

“We’re encouraged by the example set in NSW where compounders now have the guidance of a proscribed set of rules, instead of the legal uncertainty that used to exist around some of the finer points of compounding,” Matthew said, “ Queensland’s compounding sector would gladly welcome something similar in the Sunshine State, to support legitimate businesses and also weed out the very few unscrupulous operators out there.”

The Compounding checklist is a self-audit tool for use by pharmacists to ensure their compounding practices are undertaken appropriately in New South Wales pharmacies. It brings together legislation, codes and guidelines and other useful resources into a comprehensive checklist.

The Premises and equipment guidance for non-sterile complex compounding provides guidance which will help ensure there is sufficient space to comfortably and safely work, minimise the risk of cross contamination of compounded preparations prepared, and minimise the risk of unnecessary exposure to hazardous preparations.

Mr Bellgrove said the new guidelines and checklist would help NSW compounding pharmacists manage the inherent risks associated with preparing medication and that something similar was needed in Queensland.

“More certainty, in the form of increased regulation, will make the sector much safer and provide a much better outcome for patients,” Matthew said, “And that’s something we all want to see, not just in NSW, but in Queensland and across the country.”