Specialist Psychiatry Doctor Collaboration

Approximately 12 months ago, we where approached by a Gold Coast Psychiatrist, Dr Jeffery Adams from the Evandale Practice in Bundall. Find out more about Dr Adams here.

After a number of exciting conversations, the challenge became clear.

Why was a readily available medication in the USA, not available for his patients in Australia?

The challenge with a number medications used in managing health conditions, are the side effects. The medication that we where discussing with Dr Adams, did not have the same type of side effects but unfortunately was not readily available in Australia for patients .

There are two products which we began formulating with Dr Adams. One of the products is available in Australia but only used for smoking cessation, while the other product is readily available overseas.

The next stage was to work with our compounding suppliers to access the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) from the USA and France. After accessing the API, we could develop a formula which enabled the medicine to be taken once daily and exert a 24 hour action.

His patients have now been using these compounded products with positive results for the last 9 months. Through a continual collaboration with Dr Adams, we have developed a variety of strengths to enable patients to find their ideal medication. Patients have mentioned that previous side effects with the other medications are not occuring and their well being is better as a result.

Thanks to Dr Adam’s foresight, other Specialist’s and Doctors have been able to use these medicines for their patients.

Because of limitations with publicly mentioning the specific medications, please call 1300 731 755 or [email protected] for more information.