While there is significant ongoing research into allergic reactions caused by active ingredients in medications, a related area that has received very little attention is allergic reactions caused by excipients used in medication.
Excipients are ingredients added to medication that have no therapeutical benefit. They are the extras, like colours, flavours, preservatives, stabilisers and fillers that don’t play no part in the pharmacological effect of the drug.
A literature review published in the Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology in 2019 explored cases of immediate hypersensitivity reactions (IHRs), or allergic reactions, to excipients that may lead to a false-positive diagnosis of drug allergy. The review focussed in IHR’s that were scientifically tested and known to have been caused by the excipient and no other ingredient in the drug or external cause.
Following is a list of the excipients the review found most likely to cause IHRs in the general population:
In a review of the literature, excipients were found to be responsible for 28.3% of the allergic reactions experienced by 106 people who took corticosteroids. The responsible excipients included Lactose (10 reactions) carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)(7 reactions) and PEG (5 reactions).
“Reactions induced by excipients contained in corticosteroid formulations, such as lactose and CMC, have been demonstrated by sIgE (allergy tests) to these excipients. In a recent study of 64 patients who underwent corticosteroid allergy testing, true allergy was confirmed in 9 patients (14%), 5 of whom had positive SPT or provocation test results. The patients were actually allergic to the excipients (CMC and PEG), thus highlighting the importance of an accurate diagnosis…”
The prevalence of IHRs to insulin products is around 2%, and less than one-third of cases are related to insulin itself. Most reactions were due to the following excipients:
Are excipients in all drugs?
Most manufactured medications will contain some kind of excipient; their purpose is to make the medication taste better, look better or last longer. Most of the time excipients serve a good purpose and do not affect a person’s health. However the only way to be sure your drug does not contain excipients is to have your medication compounded by a reputable compounding pharmacist.
Note from National Custom Compounding: We have over 20 years experience making personalised medication (compounded medication) free of potentially harmful excipients. We can safely make up medication in our Queensland laboratory, with the exact same active ingredients as the commercial drug, but without the added extras. For more information contact National Custom Compounding on 1300 731 755 or [email protected].