The problem of administering medicine to newborn babies – and the practical solution

newborn babies medicine

Accurately diagnosing illness in very young babies is not an easy business. Due to their young age, infants are not able to describe their symptoms or tell the physician where it hurts. They simply cry – usually at decibels that could drown out a jet engine – and leave the detective work up to you.

The problem for physicians and paediatricians is compounded when a treatment they believe might be the answer, is only available in tablet of pill form – a form that newborn babies are not able to swallow.

In these situations it’s understandable that a physician might opt for an alternative medication, rather than the one they believe will be most effective, simply because the alternative is available as a liquid while their preferred medication is not. This is hardly an ideal situation – medications should be administered based on their effectiveness, not on the suitability of their form of manufacture. This is a statement all physicians would agree with, however sometimes they’re left with little choice.

The compounding pharmacists at National Custom Compounding can help in these situations by making up paediatric medications in liquid form, a form much easier to administer to very small babies. We do this in our government-approved, highly regulated and regularly audited laboratory in Merrimac on the Gold Coast. And we use only the highest grade raw ingredients in their compounds, sourced from Australian importers and wholesalers approved by the Therapeutic Good Administration. Each product is supplied with a certificate of accuracy (CoA) and we randomly sample and test new products to ensure the CoA are accurate.

By using the services of an expert in tailor-made medication, the physician can prescribe exactly the medication they believe will be most effective, leaving it to the compounding pharmacist to make it up in a form that’s easiest to administer. There’s no need for compromise on your level of care when you use the services of a reputable and experienced compounding chemist.

National Custom Compounding regularly makes up paediatric medications for doctors and their patients across the country. These medications include:

  • Omeprazole Suspensions
  • Pyrantel
  • Antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Antibiotics
  • Melatonin Drops
  • Folic Acid
  • Paracetamol.

And for children who are a little older and stubbornly refuse to take their medicine, we can also make up medicines with flavours that will intrigue the pickiest of little palettes – chocolate, vanilla, raspberry, butterscotch, marshmellow and bubblegum and some of the more popular requests.

For more information on how the services of a compounding chemist can make administration of medicine so much easier for your littlest patients, contact National Custom Compounding on 1300 731 755 or drop a line to [email protected].