Top doctor says buying cheap HRT hormones is a waste of money

Menopause, menopausal, peri menopause, hormones, hormone replacement therapy, HRT, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, compounding, compounding pharmacy, compounded medicine, compounded drugs, compounding chemist, medicine, progesterone, eostrogen, testosterone, treatment

In a recent podcast on Paul Burgess’ Functional Medicine site, leading U.S. menopause specialist, Dr Carolyn DeLucia, said that the quality of hormones used in hormone replacement therapy is the number one indicator of whether the treatment will bring about positive results.

“One of the issues I have…is the quality of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy,” Dr DeLucia told the podcast host, Paul Burgess, “The compounding pharmacy [you use] has to be excellent….you need to have quality hormones.
“You can’t mess around with hormones, they’re very, very, critical.”

“Excellent compounding pharmacies are hard to find but they’re getting much, much better.
Dr DeLucia explained that some GPs, with only basic understanding of how hormones work in the body, will often prescribe cheap, inferior hormones, in strengths that are too low, and that they often don’t measure how and when the hormone is being delivered.

“Hormones are extremely complicated and you do need a physician who understands the feedback loop, the intricacies of your metabolism, and what it takes to make it all work well together.’ Dr LeLucia said.

“The other thing is about timing. Some people – because [quality hormones] are a little expensive – try to stretch it out, and that’s an issue. You can’t do that. Hormones only last so much time, your body’s going to metabolise them… and you’ve got to be willing to be consistent if you want to feel good.”

“So getting a skilled physician is absolutely paramount to how you’re going to feel.”

Dr Delucia went on to explain that ensuring the body is given the right hormones in the right balance is critical and that every woman’s hormone requirements are different.

“What many women don’t realise is that their ovaries make three kinds of hormones, progesterone, eostrogen and testosterone. All three are critical in optimising our health and keeping us youthful.”

Note from National Custom Compounding:
As noted by Dr DeLucia, ensuring you partner with a compounding pharmacy who is experienced in hormone replacement therapy and only uses high quality hormones is paramount to successful treatment. The hormones we use in our pharmacy are of exceptionally high quality and we take the time to work with you, and your physician, to ensure your therapy is correctly balanced to meet your individual health needs.
Contact Matthew Bellgrove on 1300 731 755 for a free, informal chat about how we can help you start to feel great again.

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