Vitamins and Nutrients

New study shows multivitamins may slow cognitive decline by 60%

With life expectancy on the rise, we’re also seeing a rise in the number of cases of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease worldwide.  We all hope to retain good mental capacity as we age and now a new study suggests that multivitamins may be part of the key to ageing well cognitively. The first of its […]

Are Vitamins Money Down the Toilet? New Study Has the Answer

Some people swear by them and some say they’re money down the toilet – do vitamin supplements actually make a difference to our health, or can we get everything we need from our diet? A joint U.S/ Swiss review conducted in 2020 set about answering this question. The review looked at whether current recommended daily […]

Migraine Treatments That Don’t Involve Drugs

People who suffer from migraines understand how debilitating the condition can be. What starts out as fuzzy vision and a background throb quickly escalates into a merciless storm of pain. It renders you sightless, helpless and desperate. There’s drugs you can take of course, but sometimes they don’t work and sometimes the disease is preferable […]

Top 5 supplements to slow down the aging process

The odd grey hair, wrinkles and grunting when you get up from the couch are the dreaded tell-tale signs that you’re not as young as you used to be. Stiffness in the morning, squinting to read the fine print and a general feeling that there’s less petrol in the daily tank will confirm what, secretly, […]

Medications that deplete nutrients and what you can do about it

Medications are designed to make us better, however some medications, as they work to correct an imbalance, can deplete the body of nutrients and lead to other health problems. Nutritional depletion usually only occurs with chronic use of these medications, however the ramifications for health and well-being can be far reaching. The sensible solution to […]

Weight Loss Sabotaged by Poor Gut Microbiota and Vitamin Deficiency

A clinical study review led by researchers from the Sorbonne University in Paris found that increasing Vitamin B and Vitamin D levels in overweight people could lead to the kind of changes in gut microbiota that can, in some people, promote weight loss. The review looked at recent clinical trials and literature from around the […]

Why Zinc Lozenges Kill a Cold Quicker than Zinc Tablets

When researcher George Eby’s daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of three, he knew that keeping colds and flus at bay while she underwent treatment was going to be an important task. Eventually the little girl did contract a cold and was given a zinc tablet to support her weakened immune system as […]

Top 5 Vitamins and Minerals to Bolster Immunity This Flu Season

No need to consult a calendar, you can feel it in the air – autumn is here and winter is tip-toing around the corner. The change in season inevitably brings about an increase in colds and flus and the best way to avoid catching these infectious fun-spoilers is by bolstering our natural immunity. We can […]

Why you might be lacking Choline

While most health-conscious people are aware of the importance of B-group vitamins, the vital role of one in the group – Choline – receives little fanfare. Is the lack of attention warranted our should we be paying more attention to this important macronutrient? What is Choline? As mentioned above, Choline is a B-group essential nutrient, […]

Why we should be testing more for B12 deficiency

The symptoms of B12 deficiency can often be mistaken for a wide range of other conditions including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, anaemia, Alzheimer’s and even hypochondria. When presented with the non-specific symptoms, practitioners often diagnose these conditions without first testing for B12 deficiency. The reason for this is understandable – most medical practitioners assume […]