General Health

Chilli extract relieves chronic pain better than opioids without the side effects

The dangers of treating chronic pain with opioids over the long term have been well established, prompting researchers to seek treatments that offer effective pain relief without the sometimes devastating side effects; and they may have found the answer in the humble chilli pepper. We’re all familiar with that fiery feeling when we dive into […]

It’s not just lettuce, critical medications are also in short supply

Floods may have decimated vegetable crops in Australia, however it’s the ricochet of worldwide pandemic-related issues that is now depleting pharmacy shelves of some of their most popular and important medications. And as tensions continue with China – the world’s largest and most dominant producer of pharmaceuticals – that situation may only get worse. As […]

Does exercise make up for a junk food diet? New study says no.

While we’d all like it to be true, a new study conducted by the University of Sydney has debunked the urban myth that vigorous exercise can make up for an unhealthy diet in terms of overall health and mortality. Meaning the Tim Tams and fizzy pop might have to remain on the supermarket shelf. The […]

Study finds possible link between Covid-19 and thyroid dysfunction

A link between thyroid dysfunction and previous infection from Covid-19 has been discovered by scientists from the University of Milan. The research team studied 120 patients admitted to hospital with severe Covid-19 and analysed their levels of thyroid stimulating hormone as well as other indictors of thyroid dysfunction. All patients included in the study had […]

Top 5 supplements to slow down the aging process

The odd grey hair, wrinkles and grunting when you get up from the couch are the dreaded tell-tale signs that you’re not as young as you used to be. Stiffness in the morning, squinting to read the fine print and a general feeling that there’s less petrol in the daily tank will confirm what, secretly, […]

What causes motion sickness and what can be done about it

People who suffer from motion sickness, also known as sea sickness, will be familiar with the feeling of impending doom every time someone in the family starts making travel plans. Severe motion sickness makes any kind of travel a torturous ordeal rather than an exciting adventure. While others are excitedly choosing which cossies to pack, […]

Medications that deplete nutrients and what you can do about it

Medications are designed to make us better, however some medications, as they work to correct an imbalance, can deplete the body of nutrients and lead to other health problems. Nutritional depletion usually only occurs with chronic use of these medications, however the ramifications for health and well-being can be far reaching. The sensible solution to […]

Vitamin K rich diet lowers risk of heart condition by 34% – study says

People who have a diet rich in Vitamin K have a 34 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease caused by plaque build-up in the arteries, according to a Western Australia university study. The study, conducted by researchers from Edith Cowan University, found that the type of Vitamin K consumed makes a difference in risk reduction. […]

How is an integrative doctor different from a normal doctor?

While many doctors incorporate some forms of complementary medicine and therapies into their practice, integrative doctors are specialists with formal nutritional and environmental medicine training and qualifications. Their approach to treating their patients is to focus on individual patient care, not simply treating an illness in isolation. Integrative doctors take into account the physical, psychological, social […]

Preventing accidental medicine poisoning of children

While medicine is designed to help us regain good health, any medication, whether prescription or off-the-shelf, has the potential to be harmful if taken at high dose or by a person not suffering from the condition the medicine is formulated to alleviate. Children, with their small, developing bodily systems and inquisitive minds are particularly vulnerable […]