Hair Loss

Link Discovered Between Male Hair Loss and Sugary Drinks

If you’re worried about a receding hairline being part of your not-too-distant future you may want to re-think your next fizzy pop or sugary drink. A new study conducted by a Bejing University and published in Nutrients journal has found a correlation between male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and the consumption of drinks containing high […]

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Apples, Chillis and Beans: These and other surprisingly effective treatments for hair loss

A recent (November 2022) study review conducted by three U.S. Schools of Medicine, including Harvard, has uncovered a number of non-drug treatments with the potential to effectively treat hair loss. Omegas 3 and 6 (derived from fish oil), tocotrienol (derived from Vitamin E) and extracts made from chillis, beans, and the humble apple were all […]