Integrative vet uses PEA to treat chronic pain in pets – with encouraging results

PEA pets pet dog vet chronic pain

We recently received a call from a pet owner curious to learn more about a compound called palmitoyletanolaminde, or PEA for short.

Her integrative vet, Steve Denley from Balance Veterinary Care based in south east Queensland suggested they give PEA to her dog after he saw one of our articles on the subject.

We contacted Steve to ask if he’d had success using PEA with other patients and his response was an enthusiastic, ‘yes!’

While no large-scale double-blind placebo clinical trials with PEA have been conducted on animals, Dr Denley conducted his own non-scientific analysis of 33 patients he had treated with PEA in the first half of 2018 and the results were interesting – find out what they were in his video link included bwlow.

What is PEA?

Palmitoyletanolaminde (PEA) is produced naturally in the body and while there’s some uncertainty as to its exact role, it’s believed to play a part in the regulation of inflammation and the sensory nervous system’s response to potential harmful stimuli. Some theorise that chronic pain may be managed by introducing additional PEA to the body, supplementing PEA levels being produced naturally.

Unlike other chronic pain medications, no serious side-effects or adverse drug-drug interactions have been reported by users of PEA. This factor alone stands it apart from other strong pain medication, some of which can cause side effects almost as incapacitating as the pain itself.

Along with human and animal bodies, PEA is also found in common foods and plants and supplements are usually developed from sources such as eggs, milk, soy and peanuts. As very little alteration is needed to produce these supplements, PEA is classified as a food product and an ‘unscheduled supplement’ by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia. As an unscheduled supplement a doctor’s script is not required to purchase PEA. It can be purchased over the counter from a fully licensed compounding pharmacy.

As Palmitoyletanolaminde is produced naturally in the body, some suggest, this may be one of the reasons why PEA supplements cause no known side effects and no adverse drug-drug reactions.

More information on PEA

Dr Denley has posted a You Tube video explaining the theory behind PEA’s reported effectiveness and how he’s used it to manage chronic pain in his furry patients. Visit his You Tube video channel for his fascinating talk.