
Why do sea sickness pills work for some but not others?

Ever taken a sea sickness pill only to find yourself, hours later, still green around the gills and clinging to a bucket like it’s your teenage sweetheart? People around you may have taken the same tablet, or no tablet at all, and be merrily swashbuckling like old sea dogs, while you’re nestled beside your new […]

Podophyllin works wonders on warts – so why can’t I buy it?

For many years podophyllin was regularly prescribed by GPs for the treatment of warts. However in the last 10 years doctors have mostly stopped prescribing podophyllin. Why? The short answer is that the big pharmaceutical companies have stopped making it. However that doesn’t mean you can’t still get it. Your local integrative doctor knows that […]

Could garlic oil be a cure for Lyme disease?

Is there nothing garlic can’t do? The unassuming, yet over-achieving little white bulb is now being touted as a possible treatment for a condition known for being hard to beat – Lyme disease. According to a paper penned by researchers from John Hopkins University, in clinical trials garlic oil as well as cinnamaldehyde oil, a […]

New study shows aged garlic significantly reduces blood pressure
blood pressure

Not only does garlic keep the advances of unwanted admirers and vampires at bay, a new Australian study has found Kyolic aged garlic extract is also highly effective in controlling high blood pressure in patients with uncontrolled hypertension. So many uses. The National Institute of Integrative Medicine,(NIIM), based in Melbourne, has just published the results […]

Can natural remedies make menopause symptoms go away?

For some women, menopause is like peak hour traffic – a little inconvenient, at times frustrating, but something that has to be tolerated. However for other women menopause hits like a head-on with a freight train – it stops them in their tracks and makes the simplest activity out of the question. For the unfortunate […]

How a compounding pharmacist can help your patients adhere to their medical plan
treatment plan WHO

The compounding pharmacy sector could play a more important role in increasing adherence to treatments for chronic diseases, by providing a niche solution to one of the key obstacles to adherence identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO). In their report, ‘Adherence to Long-Term therapies – Evidence for Action’, the organisation claims that strategies to […]

Salicylic acid in the treatment of acne and psoriasis
Salicylic acid, skin treatment, 5{648ff2b140dd79f8b10f01740237e66061b7c0f8b396ba52d99047c684c8722c}

We regularly receive enquiries from people who’ve heard about salicylic acid and how it can be used to treat acne and psoriasis. Anyone who’s had to deal with either of these skin conditions, particularly when they occur in an area that’s highly visible, knows how tricky they can be to get rid of. Off the […]

Kojic acid in the treatment of skin pigmentation
Kojic Acid

Skin pigmentation can take a number of forms and the causes are varied. Sometimes the pigmentation is minor and in an inconspicuous area, however if the pigmentation is substantially darker than the surrounding skin and in a highly visible area such as the face or hands, it can leave the sufferer feeling very self-conscious and […]

Lyme disease in Australia – treatment for a controversial disease

For many years Lyme disease was thought only to exist in the United States however evidence is now mounting that the debilitating disease is infecting people right here in Australia. In 2012, the Lyme Disease Association of Australia reported that over 200 people in Australia had tested positive for Lyme disease with the majority of […]